Littering in the Bush

Encountering Dump Sites

Okay, we all love our time outdoors in Australia, however, nothing gets us more riled up at Eureka 4WD Training than rubbish in the bush.  We regularly encounter dump sites out in the field ranging from asbestos, white goods, household rubble, sheet tin, cigarette butts, cans, stubbies, general rubbish and stolen vehicles which are generally burnt. If possible we try to deal with it and remove it although it is not always practical to do so.

These dump sites are terrible news for four-wheel drivers and those who enjoy the bush. Often illegal dumping and anti-social behavior are the key things that have users of these areas locked out.  Responsible 4WD drivers never accept behaviors like this. Quite simply if you take it out, take it back!

Dilemma Suggestions

What would you do if you were to encounter these situations off-road?

Our suggestions are:

If possible, try to remove the rubbish, however personal safety is paramount.  Use personal protective equipment such as gloves, dust masks, protective clothing like enclosed footwear or boots, long trousers and sleeves.  Unfortunately, we have encountered used syringes and other dangerous materials, please remember at all times that your safety is the most important issue. 

Closed-up of a trash can with plastic trashes placed inside.

Of course, it is not always possible to remove the rubbish immediately, but try to record the location and seek local help and advice.  There are many community resources that are fighting against the growing problem who may be of assistance. 

If you come across an illegal dump site or witness people involved in illegal dumping, again personal safety is the key, if evidence is collected such as photos, documents with address details or license plates the best course of action is via Keep Australia Beautiful or Main Roads WA

Or else seek out your relevant state and territory branches.

Let’s look after the environment and keep areas open for responsible four-wheel drivers! It should not be our responsibility but how about we all try to take at least three pieces of rubbish home from every trip? What an impact we could all have! Eureka 4WD Training recognizes that many people already practice this but lets all try to Keep Australia Beautiful! We will be working much harder this year to contribute to community clean up days, so watch this space for more information on how you can help!

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