Looking For A Place To Camp? The Avon Valley National Park Is Only An Hour From Perth

Avon Valley National Park view.

The Avon Valley National Park Location

Avon Valley National Park has situated about 80kms or a one-hour drive from Perth.  Follow Toodyay Road east, turn left(north) onto Morangup Road and five kilometres down on the left-hand side is the entry to the park. The Avon Valley National park is perfect for day trips ($13 per vehicle) out of Perth or camping, with sites from $8 Per night per adult and $3 per night for kids 5-16, under-fives are free. Activities in the park include camping, bush walks, wildlife spotting, wildflowers, photography, astronomy, panoramic views and access to the Avon river which winds its way down to Perth to become the Swan river at Walyunga National Park near Bullsbrook.

The park is gravel roads with potholes and corrugations, it is generally well maintained and while not presenting a challenge for the serious four-wheel driver, lower speeds help to avoid wildlife and track damage, yet there is still plenty to enjoy.  Though there is no vehicle access to the river from the national park, walking trails can get you to the river from most campsites, of which the Valley site would be the closest to the river’s edge.  For those who wish to drive to the water’s edge, Cobblers Pool is located near the park down Morangup Road and will provide safe entry.

Look after each other on the dusty roads and enjoy the trip.

Bryan Mitchell

(images: credit to owner)

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